Suzanne J. Greenwalt, PT, DPT, CCS, GCS
Suzanne Greenwalt, PT, DPT, CCS, GCS has been a physical therapist since 2002. She is an Instructor in the School of Physical Therapy at Belmont University. She is also a physical therapist with a long term care company. In addition, she is a mentor and educator in one of the APTA’s credentialed Geriatric Residency Programs. She received her GCS in 2011 and is an APTA Certified Clinical Instructor.
Suzanne has been working in geriatrics for most of her career in a variety of settings including skilled nursing facilities, acute care hospitals, and out-patient rehabilitation. She received her Masters degree in Physical Therapy and her Bachelors degree in Exercise Science, both from Saint Louis University. Her interest areas in both patient care and research are geriatrics and cardiopulmonary comorbidities in the geriatric population.
- Course Title
- Format
- Hours
Online/Mail Price
Hours: 3
From $55 / $94
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Ambulation, Balance and Falls in Older AdultsFormat: Video
Hours: 3
From $55 / $94
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Let's Be Heart Smart and Figure out CHF!Format: Video
Hours: 3
From $55 / $94
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Hours: 3
From $55 / $94
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Cardiopulmonary Comorbidities in the Older AdultFormat: Video
Hours: 5
From $89 / $142
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COVID-19 in the Geriatric PatientFormat: Video
Hours: 1
From $19 / $35
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Hours: 3
From $55 / $94
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Hours: 3
From $106
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Hours: 3
From $55 / $94
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Hours: 3
From $106
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Depression, Cognitive Changes and Dementia in Older Adults

Course Description:
Healthcare providers who work with older adults encounter on a regular basis individuals with depression, cognitive changes and/or dementia. These changes noted in older adults can impact many facets of their life and healthcare. It is critical that healthcare providers have an understanding of these changes and can recognize symptoms and risk factors.
This course will not only discuss the characteristics...
Ambulation, Balance and Falls in Older Adults

Course Description:
Rehabilitation professionals evaluate and treat older adults in a variety of settings. One of the common factors across all settings is that with aging changes are seen in gait and balance. These changes place older adults at an increased risk for falls. It is critical that rehabilitation professionals have an understanding of these changes that occur so that they can properly evaluate and treat these patients, ultimately minimizing fall...
Let's Be Heart Smart and Figure out CHF!

Course Description:
In the geriatric population, congestive heart failure (CHF) is a very prevalent disease. All health care providers must take an active role in the management of this condition. This role includes understanding how to manage the disease in acute phases, in chronic phases, and how to educate patients so that they can have a more active role in their disease management. This course will discuss at an in-depth level...
Evaluating and Treating COPD: Because if You Can’t Breathe, Nothing Else Matters

Course Description:
In the geriatric population Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a very prevalent disease. Patients with COPD often require frequent hospitalizations and require medical and rehabilitation across the continuum of care - acute care, out-patient, skilled nursing facilities and home health.
Due to the prevalence of this condition, all healthcare professionals must play an active role, including rehabilitation professionals. The role for rehabilitation includes the acute treatment...
Cardiopulmonary Comorbidities in the Older Adult

Course Description:
The cardiopulmonary comorbidities that are present in the geriatric population greatly impact how health care professionals should treat these patients, including assessment, interventions, and recommendations. In order to have an in-depth understanding of geriatric cardiopulmonary pathologies, the health care professional must also have an understanding of the cardiopulmonary anatomy, the normal aging process, and how to differentiate normal aging from pathology.
This course reviews all of these...
COVID-19 in the Geriatric Patient

Course Description:
This one-hour course will provide clinicians with an overview of how and why COVID-19 has had such a significant impact on older adults. It will examine the expected clinical presentation in older adult COVID-19 patients in the post-acute phase as well as discuss assessment and treatment interventions. This course will also examine the impact that social isolation has on older adults and how rehabilitation clinicians...
Aging Process: What is Happening to the Body and What Does it Mean?

Course Description:
According to the CDC, the fastest growing age group in the United States is those 65 and older. In fact, by 2060 older adults will make up 25% of the population. All health care providers will be involved in the care of this population of patients at some point throughout their careers.
It is essential that healthcare providers have an understanding of the changes...
Evaluating and Treating COPD: Because if You Can’t Breathe, Nothing Else Matters- Wednesday, February 28th, 2024, 5:00pm-8:00pm ET

Course Description:
In the geriatric population Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a very prevalent disease. Patients with COPD often require frequent hospitalizations and require medical and rehabilitation across the continuum of care - acute care, out-patient, skilled nursing facilities and home health.
Due to the prevalence of this condition, all healthcare professionals must play an active role, including rehabilitation professionals. The role for rehabilitation includes the acute treatment...
Exercise Prescription and Rehabilitation Considerations for Older Adults

Course Description:
This course is intended for rehabilitation professionals who participate in the care of older adults. The course explores the strength, endurance, and aerobic capacity deficits commonly seen in this population. Not only will it discuss the causes and contributing factors to these deficits, but it will also discuss assessment tools, evaluation techniques, standardized assessments, and patient interventions.
Let's Be Heart Smart and Figure out CHF! - Wednesday, June 4th, 2025, 4:00pm-7:00pm ET

Course Overview
In the geriatric population, congestive heart failure (CHF) is a very prevalent disease. All health care providers must take an active role in the management of this condition. This role includes understanding how to manage the disease in acute phases, in chronic phases, and how to educate patients so that they can have a more active role in their disease management. This course will discuss at an in-depth level...