Cynthia Diaz, OT

Cynthia Diaz, OT

Cynthia Diaz graduated from Florida International University where she graduated Summa Cum Laude with a masters degree in Occupational Therapy in 2007. Cynthia gained a great deal experience in evaluating and treating common orthopedic issues while working for an orthopedic clinic at the National Training Center in Clermont, Florida.

In 2013 she relocated to Arizona with her small family and has continued to further her knowledge base through study, continuing education courses and continues to treat patients through home visits. Cynthia is married and has two small children.


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An Introduction to Hospice and Palliative Care

4 Hours Instructional Level: Beginner
From $72
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Course Description:

Hospice and palliative care has displayed remarkable growth and value in the health care system. The history, services, interdisciplinary team, leadership, and future growth are fascinating subjects points to be studied. Hospice and palliative care face many challenges for growth. This course examines in depth the benefits of hospice services for end of life care including managing pain, counseling for grief and bereavement, spiritual care and respite care for...