Elizabeth D. DeIuliis

Elizabeth D. DeIuliis, OTD, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist for over 18 years, with content expertise in adult physical disabilities and acute-care practice settings.  Dr. DeIuliis attended Duquesne University and graduated with a master’s degree in occupational therapy in 2004. In December 2009, she completed a post-professional doctorate of occupational therapy degree at Chatham University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She continues to practice clinically on a per-diem basis at UPMC Shadyside Hospital within Centers of Rehab Services in Pittsburgh. 


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HIV/AIDS, An Overview for the Occupational Therapy Practitioner in Florida

1 Hours Instructional Level: Beginner
From $19
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The goal of this basic, introductory course is to provide occupational therapy professionals with an understanding of the transmission and prevention of HIV, the care of persons with HIV, and the issues of living with HIV. HIV and AIDS remain a significant, persistent, world-wide problem. And the state of Florida the third-highest number of people living with HIV in the United States. Because of the fast-paced change in HIV knowledge, rehabilitation professionals may...