Accreditation Information:
Course Outline:
Hour 1
- Introduction to Non-Cognitive Skills: Perseverance, Effort, and Executive Skills that ensure academic success
- Define Learned Helplessness
- Discuss Pressures modern children face
- Introduce Growth and Fixed Minset
- Discuss Strategies to teach Growth Mindset to children
- Describe how the brain works
- Learn activities to help improve perseverance and foster effort in clients
- Understand the elements of effective praise
Hour 2
- Discuss Strategies to teach Growth Mindset to children
- Describe how the brain works
- Learn activities to help improve perseverance and foster effort in clients
- Understand the elements of effective praise
Hour 3
- Help children overcome their learning challenges
- Teach children to enjoy the process of learning
- Aid children in developing Positive self-talk
- Teach children emotional regulation skills
- Define: Working Memory
- Teach children skills to enhance working memory
- Define Cognitive flexibility
- Help children develop cognitive flexibility