Accreditation Information:
Course Outline:
Course Outline
Hour 1
- Family needs in neuro rehab.
- Needs post TBI and CVA.
- Recommendations for addressing family needs post TBI and CVA.
- 4 stages of coping: denial, resistance, affirmation, integration.
- 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
Hour 2
- Rehab teams members: physician, neuropsychologist, social services, nursing, pharmacy, administration, PT, OT, ST, dietary.
- Important areas of education.
- Diagnosis, prognosis.
- Plan of care.
- Level of involvement in care.
- Process, functional leve
- Discharge requirements, home programs.
Hour 3
- Identifying family types.
- Too involved, demanding.
- Not involved at all.
- Want to do everything for the patient.
- Dysfunctional.
- Unrealistic expectations.
- Educable, “oh so easy.”
- Family perspective likes.
- Providing information, open visiting hours, educational materials, clear information, hearing prognosis.
- Education, information to help with transition times post-injury.
- Emotional support and respectful interactions.
- Family perspective dislikes.
- Unclear information, no information on prognosis, insufficient education.
- Lack of emotional support, adversarial interaction.