Charity Shelton, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIST

Charity Shelton, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIST

Charity has been a speech-language pathologist at Missouri Rehabilitation Center/ University of Missouri Health Care, in Mt Vernon, MO, for over 15 years.  Charity specializes in the evaluation and treatment of individuals with neurological injuries and treats communication, cognitive, and swallowing deficits in those individuals. She has written and published research studies in the Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation and Brain Injury, and she is currently participating in research studying noninvasive brain stimulation for treatment of memory and attention disorders in adults with traumatic brain injury.

Charity is a Brain Injury Specialist and Trainer through the Brain Injury Association of Missouri and has been heavily involved in advocacy for persons with brain injuries and their families over her career, including being a member and Chair of the Missouri Brain Injury Advisory Council. Charity is an experienced presenter who has given numerous presentations at the local, state, and national levels. She regularly attends and participates in local and state continuing education events, further improving her knowledge of neuro-rehabilitation and networking and learning information from other professionals in the field.


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Family Education and Counseling in Neuro Rehab

3 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $55
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Course Description:

The challenges experienced after acquired brain injury can often have a more significant emotional impact on families of survivors than on the survivors themselves. In order to guide families through the transition of injury, acute care, rehab, outpatient rehab, and return to home, it is important that healthcare providers counsel and educate families throughout all levels of these processes. There are...