Accreditation Information:
Course Outline:
Hour 1
The Who, What, When, and Why of Positioning
- Definitions
- Identifying positioning needs
- Functional areas for positioning
- Age related positioning issues
- Effects of Poor Positioning Bed Positioning
- Why are Residents “Bed-bound”?
- Body alignment of “Non-risk” Residents
- Positioning for non “high risk” Residents
- Functional considerations in bed positioning
- Pressure concerns
- AHCPR guidelines/Definitions
- Tissue off-loading of immobile vs. semi-mobile Residents
- Handling and transfer techniques for “fragile” Residents
- Special conditions/ considerations
Hour 2
Bed mobility & Positioning Lab
- Assessing bed mobility
- Movement/handling techniques (mobile vs. immobile)
- Positioning for pressure relief
- Positioning for Pathological/Orthopedic/Neurological conditions
- Tone management
- Tissue/joint mobilization and ROM (from bed)
- Functional activity positioning
- Special conditions/considerations (restraint management, stomach emptying, respiratory function, etc)
Hour 3
Wheelchair Positioning
- Terms/Definitions
- General screening procedure (rules of thumb)
- Optimal Wheelchair seating position
- Functional considerations
- Pressure Areas/issues in sitting
- Managing Pressure in Wheelchair
- Wheelchair Modifications
- Special conditions/ considerations
Hour 4
Wheelchair Evaluation
- Review of Chart w/emphasis on Medical condition
- Mat evaluation
- Balance
- Posture (Trunk mobility, pelvic tilt & vert. curves)
- Strength (for wt. shift)
- Tone (low vs. high vs. abnormal)
- Overall endurance
- Propulsion style
- Functional/ADL considerations
- Continence
- Cognitive status (fall risk)
Hour 5
Wheelchair Adaptations Lab
- Adjusting Axle/Castor position
- Cushion selection/ trial/”bottom-out test”
- Drop seat application
- Lateral supports (Carved foam & calf panel)
- Modifying foot rests (solid foot plate/calf panel)
- Extended Brakes
- Self-pressure relief exercise/education
Hour 6
Implementing Positioning in Your Facility
- Initial meeting
- Selecting team and identification of roles
- Initial Facility training
- Selection of initial trial Resident’s
- Initiating treatment
- Staff/family education
- Monitoring/Team Reassessment
- Developing a “Preventive” atmosphere
Treatment Suggestions
- Trunk mobility/strengthening
- Soft tissue mobilization/elongation
- Balance
- Functional activities
- Strength Training/Self-pressure Relief
- Staff/Caregiver Education
- Case Study/Example Goals and Billing Issues
- Assessment/adjustment of Positioning plans
- Monitoring to assure plan/adaptation changes with Resident
- Case Study Example
- Billing Issues/How to bill for Positioning
- Sample goals