George Bryant, OTR, MOT, CLT-LANA

George Bryant, OTR, MOT, CLT-LANA

George Bryant, OTR, MOT, CLT-LANA has 20 years of experience as an Occupational Therapist working closely with Interdisciplinary Teams to ensure Residents receive positioning equipment and strategies necessary to promote independence and prevent negative outcomes such as contractures and pressure ulcers.
Prior to becoming an OTR, George worked at Texas MHMR centers as a Physical Management Coordinator and QMRP making sure multiply-handicapped and developmentally-delayed individuals received adaptive wheelchair/seating systems and positioning aides to ensure success and undue restraint while promoting functional activity and freedom from pressure wounds and positioning-related deformities. George now serves as OT Clinical Liaison for Rehab Synergies.



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A Hands-On Approach to Positioning and Wheelchair Adaptations

6 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $105
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Course Description:

The ability to move and position/re-position oneself is a critical life skill and dysfunction of this ability often results in significant health deficits and loss of functional independence and related components. Treatment to assess movement and positioning dysfunction and facilitation/restoration of functional movement is important to all therapies. Awareness and prevention of dysfunction/disease related to poor posture and its potential for negative outcomes will be covered. During this course,...