Pieter L. de Smidt, PT, DPT, MDT, MTC

Pieter L. de Smidt, PT, DPT, MDT, MTC

Pieter L. de Smidt has over 30 years of experience as a Physical Therapist. He has achieved certifications in Mckenzie Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy, Manual Therapy, and Sports Therapy. With his Post-Professional Doctorate in PT he specialized in management of musculoskeletal injuries of the spine & extremities. He passionate about combining hands-on treatment with pain science education.

Pieter L. de Smidt practices in his own clinic, “Reset-Wellness Physical Therapy & Medical Fitness”, in Houston, TX. He uses an evidence-based, integrated approach of manual therapy & exercise. The main focus for his practice is to bridge the gap between rehab and fitness by improving patient’s lifestyle choices through education and to incorporate strength & conditioning principles into physical therapy treatments.


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Weightlifting for Rehab Professionals

1 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $16
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Course Description:

Weightlifting is a exercise trend gaining more and more attention in gyms and CrossFit facilities across the country. Unfortunately, many people start a weightlifting program without understanding the proper mechanics to perform their exercises. And improper weightlifting can lead to serious injury! Thus, this course explains how to assess and correct common weightlifting movements.