Megan Sanders MPT, LMT

Megan Sanders MPT, LMT

Megan graduated from Saint Louis University with her Masters in Physical Therapy in 2001. Not soon after, she began her journey in manual therapies. “The human body has always fascinated me. The way our body moves, adapts, changes and attempts to correct its own issues, that is something I wanted to be a part of, I wanted my hands to be a part of that healing process” says Megan. She pursued her certification and licensure in Massage Therapy graduating in 2003. Nationally certified in Massage since 2004 and transitioned to Board Certification with NCBTMB, Megan is now a nationally certified instructor of The Muscle Release Technique for Repetitive Use Injury Therapy. “The applications of this technique are endless. I have used MRT in massage, sports therapy, post-surgical rehabilitation, geriatrics, preventative medicine, industrial work hardening and even with neurological patients in stroke rehab. It has been amazing to see the changes in my clients and now having the ability to teach other therapists only increases our abilities to change lives and invest in the healing of those we work alongside. It is completely rejuvenated my practice and my own education. Being able to share this work is such a privilege.”


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Muscle Release Technique: Hand and Arm

2 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $37
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Course Description:

Muscle Release Technique is a unique injury therapy that combines compression, extension, movement, and breath to give the therapist a tool to relieve pain in one treatment. Muscle Release Technique has been demonstrated to provide relief for those who suffer with chronic pain from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow, and thumb problems. This course provides instruction on a simple technique that applies pressure to the muscle while...