Blood flow restriction training is a rehabilitation technique that has gained a lot of traction in the physical therapy field. Originally developed mainly for athletes, it is now recognized as... Read more
Here’s a snapshot from our 2024 State of the Therapies Guide: Insights from the Rehabilitation Professionals. Physical therapists are a growing profession, with job opportunities expected to increase 15% between... Read more
Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is a common issue for patients with neurological disorders, stroke, or other conditions that affect muscle control. Physical therapists (PTs) play an important role in helping... Read more
National Physical Therapy Month (NPTM) is celebrated every October. We, at HomeCEU, want to raise awareness about the benefits of physical therapy and to honor the professionals who help improve... Read more
Explore the connection between diabetes and physical therapy. Diabetes mellitus, a widespread endocrine disorder, presents a unique set of challenges for healthcare providers, including physical therapists (PTs). This condition, usually... Read more
A quick summary of your Michigan physical therapy license renewal requirements. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, more than 229,000 physical therapists work in the United States. Over... Read more
It's also important to measure balance performance and activities that predict the risk of falls in adults with hip osteoarthritis. What is hip osteoarthritis (OA)? Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is a... Read more
By Dr. Pieter L. de Smidt, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT, MTC. |
People of all ages, physical conditions, and abilities can tear an ACL. A complex set of tendons and ligaments help stabilize and support the knee joint with its every movement,... Read more
By Dr. Pieter L. de Smidt, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT, MTC. |
Different standardized tests are helpful when assessing the functional ability and fall risk in a patient. Hip pain and knee pain are very common reasons for patients to seek physical... Read more
Running-related injuries aren’t all equally prevalent for every runner. Running injuries occur at all age ranges and skill levels, making them unique from patient to patient. Physical therapists aren’t just... Read more
Concussions are complex injuries that require a broad base of assessment tools to fully understand. A common disorder in children and adolescents, concussions can have long-term consequences, affecting a person’s... Read more
Rehab professionals are all about changing people’s lives for the better. Ergonomics. It’s a word physical therapists hear often in both professional and educational contexts. But what does it mean?... Read more
Pain catastrophizing can influence pain-related outcomes through a range of theoretical mechanisms. Pain as a symptom, which is now considered the fifth vital sign, accounts for approximately 80% of physician... Read more
Especially in older adults, deconditioning is a significant factor in physical outcomes. As the saying goes, “use it or lose it.” Especially in older adults, deconditioning is a significant factor... Read more
Physical therapists play a critical role in identifying and preventing deep vein thrombosis in at-risk patients. A 36-year-old female patient receives treatment at a physical therapy clinic for lymphedema management... Read more
Physical Therapist should pursue the best possible integrated care relationships with their healthcare partners. Pursuing Integrated Care Relationships As the healthcare industry transitions to value-based care, there’s no denying the... Read more
Accessible play is a meaningful activity for children of all ages. Accessible play provides the opportunity for self-directed enjoyment and allows children to acquire developmental skills such as problem-solving, socialization,... Read more
A comprehensive rehabilitation approach is vital to stroke recovery. According to the CDC, every 40 seconds someone in the United States suffers from a stroke. Every year alone, more than... Read more
Proper nutrition can have a major impact on a patient’s healing journey after injury. Physical therapists (PTs) tend to focus on functional capabilities, strength, flexibility, and other physical components of... Read more
Post-stroke incontinence occurs when the forebrain is damaged - the forebrain is the largest part of the brain. According to the Stroke Association, about half of all stroke survivors admitted... Read more
While dystonia and dyskinesia have similarities, it is important for physical therapists to know the differences. Dystonia and dyskinesia are two involuntary movement disorders familiar to most physical therapists. Both... Read more
Concussion symptoms are typically temporary. Severe concussions or multiple concussions may cause lasting long-term effects on the chemical balance and overall function of the brain. What is a concussion? A... Read more
The Impact of War on Occupational & Physical Therapy. The demand for both occupational and physical therapy grew throughout the war. World War I had a profound impact on both... Read more
Trigger points can happen almost anywhere in the body. Any small area of tension within a muscle can be a trigger point. What are trigger points? Trigger points are areas... Read more