National Physical Therapy Month (NPTM) is celebrated every October.
We, at HomeCEU, want to raise awareness about the benefits of physical therapy and to honor the professionals who help improve lives through movement and rehabilitation. This year, the theme focuses on "falls prevention." More than 1 in 4 Americans fall each year, and falling once doubles your chances of falling again.
How to Conduct a Falls Risk Assessment
Here are instructions for the five-step assessment format. The assessment should take about 15-20 minutes to complete.
1) Screen.
- Use the CDC's 12-question "Stay Independent" checklist. Any volunteer can perform this.
2) Assess.
- Fill out the CDC's Fall Risk Factors Checklist throughout the assessment. Only a PT or healthcare provider can perform this. Take seated vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, respiration, oxygen, temperature).
- Timed Up & Go: Time how long it takes the participant to walk 10 feet and return to their chair.
- 30-Second Chair Stand: Count how many times they can stand and sit in 30 seconds.
- Four-Stage Balance Test: Time the participant holding four increasingly difficult positions.
Additional screening includes medication review, home hazard discussion, and footwear assessment.
4) Results & Education.
- Provide education on physical therapy, exercise, and CDC STEADI resources. Offer relevant handouts, such as fall prevention and medication information.
5. Wrap-Up.
- Take vital signs again before participant leaves. Make sure they have all their materials.
In honor of Physical Therapy Month we are celebrating! Check out what our director of marketing, Jami Cooley, has to say!

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