Meet the newest HomeCEUConnection Team Members!

Get some insight into our newest team members, Charles Langley, and DeAndrea Laub!

Charles Langley comes to HomeCEU as a Director of Strategic Planning, Live Meetings & Events. His event background ranges from continuing medical education in oncology and orthopedics, to sports marketing and event management with the US Open Tennis Tournament.

Charles says:

  • When not at the office, you may find him at a local concert.
  • My wife Christi and I are always looking for a good restaurant - maybe because neither of us are big on cooking in the kitchen!
  • Favorite Travel Experience (thus far): Tie between hiking up to the Inca ruins at Manchu Picchu in Peru and driving the small town roads in Italy.
  • Pet Peeve: Complainers who don't offer a solution.
  • Reason to be excited about working at HomeCEUConnection: A perfect blend of the entrepreneurial spirit sprinkled with corporate elements, excellent product positioning, constant growth, a perfect commute - and especially the new business line of live continuing education!

DeAndrea Laub joins HomeCEUConnection as a Marketing Manager with a sweet spot for online marketing.

DeAndrea says:

  • I currently have a very full house, comprised of myself, husband, son (6), daughter (19 months), exchange student from Brazil, our newly adopted dog, and her six puppies!
  • When I'm not working, I'm either reading or attempting to help my husband with the horses.
  • Pet Peeve: Red-lights, five miles-per-hour below the speed limit drivers, and excessive indecisiveness!
  • Reason to be excited about working at HomeCEUConnection: I really love the customer first atmosphere at HomeCEU. Brandon, Anne, and the team here have really made customer service a core value, which makes marketing a lot more fun!

We at HomeCEU are so happy to have them join our team!

This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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