Accreditation Information:
Course Outline:
Hour 1
- Conceptual, social and practical domains.
- 3 domains in the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria
- Changes in terms: “mental retardation”, “intellectual disabilities”,
- 5 diagnoses previously listed under the umbrella term of PDD in the DSM 4
- Terms listed as neurodevelopmental disorders in DSM 5l
- Health conditions
- Mental health disorders such as OCD
- Visual disorders
- Sensory motor assessment tools
- Assessment tools of functional and adaptive skills
- Assessment tools used to evaluate communication
- Assessment tools used with individuals with dementia
- Downs syndrome, Cerebral palsy, Fragile X syndrome, Williams syndrome, Fetal
- Alcohol Syndrome disorders, Prader-Willi syndrome, Angelman’s syndrome
Hour 2
- Intervention models of Skill based, cognitive, behavioral based, sensory based and physical/biomechanical approaches.
- Differences between teaching generalized and splinter skills and the remedial VS adaptive approaches.
- Different ways sensory input is used as reinforcement or as part of a sensory diet
- Strategies of Grading activities, use of reinforcement, adding sensory components, success only activities’, chaining/fading prompts, group activities, use of multisensor approach, use of the 80-20 rule, how to make practice inherent in set-up, other methods to adapt materials for success.
- Pacing strategies
Hour 3
- Research by Tomchek & Smith on sensory-based interventions used with individuals with autism
- Research on efficacy of weighted and pressure vests, dynamic seating and other sensory modalities
- Research on efficacy of sensory-based strategies to reduce self-injurious behaviors
- Strategies to promote safe eating pace including use of portion control and adaptive equipment
- Use of cueing to sequence actions such as wiping face, alternating drink with food or signing for more to slow down food intake
- Lighting, strategies to reduce glare, increase color contrast
- Use of object cues and symbols with the blind deaf population
- Benefits to enlarging, raising, angling materials.
- Strategies that utilize lightboxes
- The symptoms commonly seen in individuals with autism including that impact social, communication, fine and gross motor functioning and comfort
- Symptoms of visual impairments that indicate atypical sensory processing.
Hour 4
- Symptoms that are presented in the general population
- How presentation of dementia in the developmentally disabled population differs from the presentation in the general population
- What animal-assisted therapies are and types of animals used.
- Benefits of integrating animals into therapies
- Why Apps are beneficial in general (i.e. cost, portability, socially acceptable, variety)
- How specific Apps may be used to promote communication/ social, motor skills, teach cause and effect relationships and function