Instructional Level: Intermediate

Course Outline:

Hour 1

  • Introduction to Screening / Diagnostic Interview
    • Definition of Differential Diagnosis
    • Definition of Evidence Based Practice
  • Primary Care Provider
    • Reasons for Medical Screening
    • Key Factors to Consider
  • Nagi Model
  • Limitations of Nagi Model
  • International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - ICF Model
    • Overview of dimensions of ICF Model
      • Contextual Factors: Person & Environment
  • Guide to Practice – Diagnostic Based Practice Patient/Client Management
    • Examination
    • Evaluation
    • Diagnosis
    • Prognosis
    • Intervention
    • Outcomes
  • Decision Making Process
    • Client History/Diagnostic Interview
    • Risk Factors Assessment
    • Medications
      • Adverse Drug Effects
      • Elderly and Medications
      • Common Medication Side Effects

Hour 2

  •  Decision Making Process (cont.)
    • Physical Exam
    • Pain Patterns/Pain Types
    • Review of systems
    • Screening signs and symptoms
      • Systemic signs and symptoms
      • Constitutional symptoms
  • Guidelines for Physician Referral
    • General Systemic
      • Unknown cause
      • Lack of significant objective NMS signs and symptoms
      • Lack of expected progress with intervention
      • Development of constitutional symptoms or associated signs and symptoms any time during the episode of care
      • Discovery of significant past medical history unknown to physician
      • Changes in health status that persist 7 to 10 days beyond expected time period
      • Client who is jaundiced and has not been diagnosed or treated
    • For Women
      • Low back, hip, pelvic, groin, or SI symptoms without known etiologic basis and in the presence of constitutional symptoms
      • Any spontaneous uterine bleeding after menopause
    • For pregnant women
      • Vaginal bleeding
      • Elevated blood pressure
      • Increased Braxton-Hicks (uterine) contractions in a pregnant woman during exercise
    • Vital Signs
      • Persistent rise or fall of blood pressure
      • Blood pressure elevation in any woman taking birth control pills
      • Pulse amplitude that fades with inspiration and strengthens with expiration
      • Difference in pulse pressure (between systolic and diastolic measurements) of more than 40 mm Hg
      • Persistent low-grade fever, especially associated with constitutional symptoms, most commonly sweat
      • Any unexplained fever without other systemic symptoms, especially in the person taking corticosteroids
    • Pain Patterns
      • Cutaneous
      • Deep Somatic
      • Visceral
      • Muscular
      • Heart
      • Arterial/Pleural/Tracheal
      • Gastrointestinal
      • Myofascial
      • Radicular
      • Referred pain
      • Diffuse
      • Pain at rest
        • pain
        • pallor
        • pulselessness
        • paresthesia
        • paralysis
      • Activity
      • Joint
      • Chronic vs. Acute
    • Pain Screening/Assessment Tools
      • MDC- Min Detectable Change
      • MCID – Minimal Clinically Importance Difference
      • NRS- Numeric Rating Scale
      • VDS-Verbal Descriptor Scale
      • The McGill Pain Questionnaire
      • Oswestry Disability Index
    • Comparison of Systemic Versus Musculoskeletal Pain Patterns
    • Systems to Screen by Regional Body Part
      • Left Shoulder Pain
        • Cardiovascular
        • Pulmonary
        • Gastrointestinal (diaphragm) (spleen)
      • Right Shoulder Pain
        • Liver
        • Gallbladder
        • Pulmonary
      • Thoracic spine pain
        • Cardiovascular
        • Pulmonary
        • Gastrointestinal (stomach)
        • Pancreas
      • Right Upper Quadrant
        • Gallbladder
        • Liver
      • Right Lower Quadrant
        • Intestine
        • Appendix
        • Renal
      • Left Upper Quadrant
        • Spleen
        • Colitits
      • Left Lower Quadrant
        • Renal
        • Intestine
      • Red Flags for Pain

Hour 3

  •  Physical Assessment
    • Vital Signs
      • Prevalence of Hypertension
      • Blood Pressure Response to Exercise
    • Integumentary
      • Capillary Filling
      • Edema
      • Nail deviations
      • Inflammatory disorders
        • Contact Dermatitis
        • Hives
        • Eczema
        • Psoriasis
        • Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE)
      • Skin Infections
        • Bacterial infections
          • Cellulitis
          • Erythema
          • Boils
        • Viral Infections
          • Herpes Simplex
          • Herpes Zoster (shingles)
      • Neuromuscular Screening Examination
        • Assessment Tools/measures G-codes
          • Mental status
          • Cranial nerves
          • Reflexes
          • Tone
          • Sensory Integrity
          • Motor function (gross motor and fine motor; coordination, gait, balance)
      • Impairment assessments tools and measures (BSF)
        • MMSE
        • Montreal Cog Assessment
      • Cranial Nerves
      • Deep Tendon Reflex’s (DTR)
      • Testing Abnormal Reflex’s
        • Babinski
        • Clonus
        • Hoffman response

Hour 4

  • Upper Extremity Dermatomal Sensory Testing
    • C4 – Shawl area
    • C5 – Lateral Deltoid
    • C6 – Posterior Thumb
    • C7 – Posterior distal 3rd finger
    • C8 – ulnar pinkie
  • Lower Extremity Dermatomal Sensory Testing
    • L2 – Mid Anterior Thigh
    • L3 – Medial Femoral Condyle
    • L4 – Medial Malleolus
    • L5 – Dorsum 3rd MTPJ
    • S1 – Lateral Heel
    • S2 – Popliteal Fossa
  • Upper Extremity Key Muscle Testing
    • C4 - shoulder shrug
    • C5 – shoulder abduction
    • C6 - elbow flexion/wrist extension
    • C7 – elbow extension/wrist flexion
    • C8 – thumb extension
    • T1 - finger abduction
  • Lower Extremity Key Muscle Testing
    • L2 – Hip Flexion
    • L3 – Knee Extension
    • L4 – Ankle Dorsiflexion
    • L5 – Big Toe Extension
    • S1 – Ankle Eversion/PF
    • S2 – Knee Flexion
  • Strength Outcome Measurement
    • 5 time Sit-to-Stand
  • Endurance
    • 6 MWT/2MWT
  • Assessing Tone
  • Outcome Measure Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS)
  • ASIA Impairment Scale
  • Balance and Gait Outcome Measures/Tools (Activity)
  • Limits of Stability mCTSIB
  • Single Leg Stance (STS)
  • Rhomberg
  • Tinetti Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA)
  • Berg Balance Scale
  • Functional Reach Test
  • Dynamic Gait Index (DGI)
  • Functional Gait Assessment (FGA)
  • Which Assessment is Best for You?
  • Coordination tests
    • Rapidly Alternating Movement Evaluation
    • Point-to-Point Movement Evaluation
    • Heel to shin
  • Gait Speed
    • 10MWT
    • MDC/MCID
  • Tests Meningitis
    • Kernig’s Sign
    • Brudizinski’s Neck Sign
  • Outcome Measures Participation
  • Review of Systems
  • Case Study

Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapy: Introduction

Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapy: Introduction

4 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
Delivery Type


As the profession of Physical Therapy has progressed, the importance of differential diagnosis and medical screening has increased, especially with the mandate of autonomous practice. This seminar will give the clinician the ability to screen the multiple body organ systems for diseases and syndromes that are not of musculoskeletal origin. The seminar further addresses effective mechanisms that result in client referrals to appropriate health care practitioners. Through lectures and case studies, the therapist will be able to determine the best course of action with a patient utilizing the best available assessment tools and measures and evidence-based practice to determine diagnosis, need for referral, or method of treatment.

This seminar-on-demand is 4 contact hours in length (check your state’s approval status in the state specific course catalog for your profession).

Full Course Description
As the profession of Physical Therapy has progressed, the importance of differential diagnosis and medical screening has increased, especially with the mandate of autonomous practice. This seminar will give the clinician the ability to screen the multiple body organ systems for diseases and syndromes that are not of musculoskeletal origin. The seminar further addresses effective mechanisms that result in client referrals to appropriate health care practitioners. Through lectures and case studies, the therapist will be...

Goals & Objectives:

Course Goals:

This course is intended to instruct the professional on screening the multiple body organ systems for diseases and syndromes that are not of musculoskeletal origin.

Professional Objectives:

  1. Recognize how to apply the principles of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) as it relates to clinical decision making in primary care physical therapy by applying optimal diagnostic standards to the clinical decision making process.
  2. Recognize and utilize questions during the examination/re-examination and intervention phases of treatment to facilitate making an accurate differential diagnosis.
  3. Distinguish between the presentation of pain types and pain patterns and clinical signs and symptoms associated with selected medical diagnoses to facilitate making a differential diagnosis.
  4. Identify available medical information as a basis for making appropriate referrals to physicians, certified clinical specialists, or other health care professionals.
  5. Recognize client signs and symptoms that require immediate and/or emergency medical attention and make appropriate referrals.

Criteria for Completion:

A score of 70% or more is considered passing.  Scores of less than 70% indicate a failure to understand the material and the test will need to be taken again until a passing score has been achieved.

Goals & Objectives:

Course Goals:

This course is intended to instruct the professional on screening the multiple body organ systems for diseases and syndromes that are not of musculoskeletal origin.

Professional Objectives:

  1. Recognize how to apply the principles of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) as it relates to clinical decision making in primary care physical therapy by applying optimal diagnostic standards to the clinical decision making process.
  2. Recognize and utilize questions during the examination/re-examination and intervention phases of treatment to facilitate making an accurate differential diagnosis.
  3. Distinguish between the presentation of pain types and pain patterns and clinical signs and symptoms associated with selected medical diagnoses to facilitate making a differential diagnosis.
  4. Identify available medical information as a basis for making appropriate referrals to physicians, certified clinical specialists, or other health care professionals.
  5. Recognize client signs and symptoms that require immediate and/or emergency medical attention and make appropriate referrals.

Criteria for Completion:

A score of 70% or more is considered passing.  Scores of less than 70% indicate a failure to understand the material and the test will need to be taken again until a passing score has been achieved.


Contact Hours: 4

Target Audience:  Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Occupational Therapist. Occupational Therapist Assistant

Instructional Level: Intermediate

If you require special accommodations, please contact Colibri Healthcare Support by visiting our Contact Us page ( or by using the chat functionality. 

Personnel Disclosure:

Financial – Suzanne Tinsley is employed by Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-Shreveport. and receives a salary. She receives payment from HomeCEU for the presentation of this course. Nonfinancial - no relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Financial – Marie Vazquez Morgan is employed at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-Shreveport and receives a salary. She receives payment from HomeCEU for the presentation of this course. Nonfinancial - no relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.
No relevant conflicts of interest exist for any member of the activity planning committee.

Content Disclosure: This course does not focus solely on any specific product or service.

Cancellation Policy: For activity cancellation, returns, or complaint resolution, please contact us by email or by phone at 1.800.55.4CEUS (2387). We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Refunds will be issued for courses that have not been completed (exam not taken), or for any course that has been rejected by your board of approval. Webinar attendance must be canceled 24 hours before the scheduled start time.


Contact Hours: 4

Target Audience:  Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Occupational Therapist. Occupational Therapist Assistant

Instructional Level: Intermediate

If you require special accommodations, please contact Colibri Healthcare Support by visiting our Contact Us page ( or by using the chat functionality. 

Personnel Disclosure:

Financial – Suzanne Tinsley is employed by Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-Shreveport. and receives a salary. She receives payment from HomeCEU for the presentation of this course. Nonfinancial - no relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Financial – Marie Vazquez Morgan is employed at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-Shreveport and receives a salary. She receives payment from HomeCEU for the presentation of this course. Nonfinancial - no relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.
No relevant conflicts of interest exist for any member of the activity planning committee.

Content Disclosure: This course does not focus solely on any specific product or service.

Cancellation Policy: For activity cancellation, returns, or complaint resolution, please contact us by email or by phone at 1.800.55.4CEUS (2387). We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Refunds will be issued for courses that have not been completed (exam not taken), or for any course that has been rejected by your board of approval. Webinar attendance must be canceled 24 hours before the scheduled start time.