Accreditation Information:
Course Outline:
Hour 1
- Introduction to Screening / Diagnostic Interview
- Definition of Differential Diagnosis
- Definition of Evidence Based Practice
- Primary Care Provider
- Reasons for Medical Screening
- Key Factors to Consider
- Nagi Model
- Limitations of Nagi Model
- International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - ICF Model
- Overview of dimensions of ICF Model
- Contextual Factors: Person & Environment
- Guide to Practice – Diagnostic Based Practice Patient/Client Management
- Examination
- Evaluation
- Diagnosis
- Prognosis
- Intervention
- Outcomes
- Decision Making Process
- Client History/Diagnostic Interview
- Risk Factors Assessment
- Medications
- Adverse Drug Effects
- Elderly and Medications
- Common Medication Side Effects
Hour 2
- Decision Making Process (cont.)
- Physical Exam
- Pain Patterns/Pain Types
- Review of systems
- Screening signs and symptoms
- Systemic signs and symptoms
- Constitutional symptoms
- Guidelines for Physician Referral
- General Systemic
- Unknown cause
- Lack of significant objective NMS signs and symptoms
- Lack of expected progress with intervention
- Development of constitutional symptoms or associated signs and symptoms any time during the episode of care
- Discovery of significant past medical history unknown to physician
- Changes in health status that persist 7 to 10 days beyond expected time period
- Client who is jaundiced and has not been diagnosed or treated
- For Women
- Low back, hip, pelvic, groin, or SI symptoms without known etiologic basis and in the presence of constitutional symptoms
- Any spontaneous uterine bleeding after menopause
- For pregnant women
- Vaginal bleeding
- Elevated blood pressure
- Increased Braxton-Hicks (uterine) contractions in a pregnant woman during exercise
- Vital Signs
- Persistent rise or fall of blood pressure
- Blood pressure elevation in any woman taking birth control pills
- Pulse amplitude that fades with inspiration and strengthens with expiration
- Difference in pulse pressure (between systolic and diastolic measurements) of more than 40 mm Hg
- Persistent low-grade fever, especially associated with constitutional symptoms, most commonly sweat
- Any unexplained fever without other systemic symptoms, especially in the person taking corticosteroids
- Pain Patterns
- Cutaneous
- Deep Somatic
- Visceral
- Muscular
- Heart
- Arterial/Pleural/Tracheal
- Gastrointestinal
- Myofascial
- Radicular
- Referred pain
- Diffuse
- Pain at rest
- pain
- pallor
- pulselessness
- paresthesia
- paralysis
- Activity
- Joint
- Chronic vs. Acute
- Pain Screening/Assessment Tools
- MDC- Min Detectable Change
- MCID – Minimal Clinically Importance Difference
- NRS- Numeric Rating Scale
- VDS-Verbal Descriptor Scale
- The McGill Pain Questionnaire
- Oswestry Disability Index
- Comparison of Systemic Versus Musculoskeletal Pain Patterns
- Systems to Screen by Regional Body Part
- Left Shoulder Pain
- Cardiovascular
- Pulmonary
- Gastrointestinal (diaphragm) (spleen)
- Right Shoulder Pain
- Liver
- Gallbladder
- Pulmonary
- Thoracic spine pain
- Cardiovascular
- Pulmonary
- Gastrointestinal (stomach)
- Pancreas
- Right Upper Quadrant
- Gallbladder
- Liver
- Right Lower Quadrant
- Intestine
- Appendix
- Renal
- Left Upper Quadrant
- Spleen
- Colitits
- Left Lower Quadrant
- Renal
- Intestine
- Red Flags for Pain
Hour 3
- Physical Assessment
- Vital Signs
- Prevalence of Hypertension
- Blood Pressure Response to Exercise
- Integumentary
- Capillary Filling
- Edema
- Nail deviations
- Inflammatory disorders
- Contact Dermatitis
- Hives
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE)
- Skin Infections
- Bacterial infections
- Cellulitis
- Erythema
- Boils
- Viral Infections
- Herpes Simplex
- Herpes Zoster (shingles)
- Neuromuscular Screening Examination
- Assessment Tools/measures G-codes
- Mental status
- Cranial nerves
- Reflexes
- Tone
- Sensory Integrity
- Motor function (gross motor and fine motor; coordination, gait, balance)
- Impairment assessments tools and measures (BSF)
- Montreal Cog Assessment
- Cranial Nerves
- Deep Tendon Reflex’s (DTR)
- Testing Abnormal Reflex’s
- Babinski
- Clonus
- Hoffman response
Hour 4
- Upper Extremity Dermatomal Sensory Testing
- C4 – Shawl area
- C5 – Lateral Deltoid
- C6 – Posterior Thumb
- C7 – Posterior distal 3rd finger
- C8 – ulnar pinkie
- Lower Extremity Dermatomal Sensory Testing
- L2 – Mid Anterior Thigh
- L3 – Medial Femoral Condyle
- L4 – Medial Malleolus
- L5 – Dorsum 3rd MTPJ
- S1 – Lateral Heel
- S2 – Popliteal Fossa
- Upper Extremity Key Muscle Testing
- C4 - shoulder shrug
- C5 – shoulder abduction
- C6 - elbow flexion/wrist extension
- C7 – elbow extension/wrist flexion
- C8 – thumb extension
- T1 - finger abduction
- Lower Extremity Key Muscle Testing
- L2 – Hip Flexion
- L3 – Knee Extension
- L4 – Ankle Dorsiflexion
- L5 – Big Toe Extension
- S1 – Ankle Eversion/PF
- S2 – Knee Flexion
- Strength Outcome Measurement
- 5 time Sit-to-Stand
- Endurance
- 6 MWT/2MWT
- Assessing Tone
- Outcome Measure Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS)
- ASIA Impairment Scale
- Balance and Gait Outcome Measures/Tools (Activity)
- Limits of Stability mCTSIB
- Single Leg Stance (STS)
- Rhomberg
- Tinetti Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA)
- Berg Balance Scale
- Functional Reach Test
- Dynamic Gait Index (DGI)
- Functional Gait Assessment (FGA)
- Which Assessment is Best for You?
- Coordination tests
- Rapidly Alternating Movement Evaluation
- Point-to-Point Movement Evaluation
- Heel to shin
- Gait Speed
- 10MWT
- Tests Meningitis
- Kernig’s Sign
- Brudizinski’s Neck Sign
- Outcome Measures Participation
- Review of Systems
- Case Study