Considerations for Alternate Nutrition and Hydration: Educating Staff – HomeCEU
Instructional Level: Intermediate

Course Outline:

Hour 1

  • Disorders and impact on po intake
  • Use of ANH or nutrition therapy
  • Advance directives
  • Withdrawing and/or withholding ANH
  • Culture and religion

Hour 2

  • Attitudes
  • Health literacy and patient centered care
  • Decisional capacity
  • Decision making
  • Medical ethics
  • EOL and palliative care

Hour 3

  • Benefits and burdens of ANH
  • Decision making algorithms
  • Prognostic indicators
  • Alternatives to ANH
  • Scenarios

Hour 4

  • New dining practice standards
  • Informed consent
  • Dehydration
  • Accept or refuse recommendations
  • Opt out documentation

Considerations for Alternate Nutrition and Hydration: Educating Staff and Family

Delivery Type


When making recommendations for patients, we may have to consider alternate forms of nutrition and hydration based on their unique set of circumstances. One consideration is how long ANH may be necessary – short term vs. long term. Research has looked at benefits and burdens and trajectory of diseases – COVID-19, CVA, cancer, dementia, EOL to name a few. COVID-19 patients may require short term ANH due to intubation or inability to meet their nutritional needs by mouth or GI issues. Because a patient’s status changes quickly with COVID-19, the individual may not have any advance directives addressing ANH. Individuals who have had mechanical ventilation may experience post-extubation dysphagia. Although we have the ability to provide ANH, the question moves from can we to should we! Patients and families religious and cultural beliefs influence their decision making and sometimes clash those of their health care professional. What options are there for patients and families who don’t accept that recommendation? Waivers are not the answer, but EDAR (eating and drinking with acknowledged risk) or Care Planning for Resident Choice are possibilities.

Full Course Description
When making recommendations for patients, we may have to consider alternate forms of nutrition and hydration based on their unique set of circumstances. One consideration is how long ANH may be necessary – short term vs. long term. Research has looked at benefits and burdens and trajectory of diseases – COVID-19, CVA, cancer, dementia, EOL to name a few. COVID-19 patients may require short term ANH due to intubation or inability to meet their nutritional...

Goals & Objectives:

Course Goals:

This course is intended to increase awareness of religion, culture, QOL, and efficancy of ANH various disorders.

Professional Objectives:

  1. Identify information from chart review that impacts a patient’s ability to maintain adequate nutrition and hydration.
  2. Recognize the benefits and burdens of ANH vs. oral intake.
  3. Recognize the impact of the patient and family’s religious and cultural beliefs in the decision-making process.
  4. Identify options available to patients and families who choose to opt out of an ANH recommendation.

Goals & Objectives:

Course Goals:

This course is intended to increase awareness of religion, culture, QOL, and efficancy of ANH various disorders.

Professional Objectives:

  1. Identify information from chart review that impacts a patient’s ability to maintain adequate nutrition and hydration.
  2. Recognize the benefits and burdens of ANH vs. oral intake.
  3. Recognize the impact of the patient and family’s religious and cultural beliefs in the decision-making process.
  4. Identify options available to patients and families who choose to opt out of an ANH recommendation.



"Seminar-On-Demand" course are streamed on your web browser if the online version if purchased. Our SODs are optimized for the most current versions of Safari, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. All SOD courses are mobile ready.

Contact Hours: 4 contact hours in length (check your state’s approval status in the state specific course catalog for your profession).

Target Audience: Speech Language Pathologist, Nurses

Instructional Level: Intermediate

Criteria for Completion: Criteria for Completion: A score of 70% or more is considered passing. Scores of less than 70% indicate a failure to understand the material and the test will need to be taken again until a passing score has been achieved

ACHA CE Approved Provider 

This course is offered for 0.40 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).

Please note - ASHA reporting closes at the end of each month, with completions reported around or after the 15th of the following month.

Personnel Disclosure:

Finanical - Denise Dougherty has a private practice and is a legal consultant specializing in forensic speech pathology and recieves a salary. She receives payment from HomeCEU for the presentation of this course.

Nonfinancial - no relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

No relevant conflicts of interest exist for any member of the activity planning committee.

Content Disclosure: This course does not focus solely on any specific product or service

Cancellation Policy: For activity cancellation, returns, or complaint resolution, please contact us by email or by phone at 1.800.55.4CEUS (2387). We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Refunds will be issued for courses that have not been completed (exam not taken), or for any course that has been rejected by your board of approval. Webinar attendance must be canceled 24 hours before the scheduled start time.



"Seminar-On-Demand" course are streamed on your web browser if the online version if purchased. Our SODs are optimized for the most current versions of Safari, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. All SOD courses are mobile ready.

Contact Hours: 4 contact hours in length (check your state’s approval status in the state specific course catalog for your profession).

Target Audience: Speech Language Pathologist, Nurses

Instructional Level: Intermediate

Criteria for Completion: Criteria for Completion: A score of 70% or more is considered passing. Scores of less than 70% indicate a failure to understand the material and the test will need to be taken again until a passing score has been achieved

ACHA CE Approved Provider 

This course is offered for 0.40 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).

Please note - ASHA reporting closes at the end of each month, with completions reported around or after the 15th of the following month.

Personnel Disclosure:

Finanical - Denise Dougherty has a private practice and is a legal consultant specializing in forensic speech pathology and recieves a salary. She receives payment from HomeCEU for the presentation of this course.

Nonfinancial - no relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

No relevant conflicts of interest exist for any member of the activity planning committee.

Content Disclosure: This course does not focus solely on any specific product or service

Cancellation Policy: For activity cancellation, returns, or complaint resolution, please contact us by email or by phone at 1.800.55.4CEUS (2387). We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Refunds will be issued for courses that have not been completed (exam not taken), or for any course that has been rejected by your board of approval. Webinar attendance must be canceled 24 hours before the scheduled start time.

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