Lee N. Marinko

Lee N. Marinko, PT, ScD, OCS, FAAOMPT, graduated with a bachelor of science degree in physical therapy from Northeastern University in 1986 and completed her ScD in rehabilitation and movement science from Boston University in 2007. She completed a two-year fellowship in orthopedic manual physical therapy in 1998 and has been a certified fellow in the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy since that time. She has been a board-certified orthopedic specialist through the American Physical Therapy Association since 1996. Currently, she is a clinical assistant professor in the physical therapy program of Sargent College, Boston University, where she teaches musculoskeletal systems, with primary content in the upper extremity. She also serves as the academic liaison to the Boston University Physical Therapy Center and maintains an active practice in outpatient orthopedics.


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Rotator Cuff Injuries and Interventions: A Physical Therapy Perspective

4 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $72
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Shoulder pain is a common complaint in the general population (Cadogan, Laslett, Hing, McNair, & Coates, 2011; Lewis, 2016; Pribicevic, 2012; Teunis, Lubberts, Reilly, & Ring, 2014), and is generally experienced when lifting or moving the arm. It occurs most often in individuals involved in repetitive overhead activities or manual labor involving the arms. Disorders of the rotator cuff are the most common source of shoulder pain reported in...