Kimberly Garcia, MD

Kimberly Garcia, MD

Dr. Kimberly Garcia has nine years experience specializing in the field of diagnostic radiology. Kimberly is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the Pensacola, FL area, including Baptist Hospital and Gulf Breeze Hospital. There she works with diagnostic imaging modalities such as MRIs, ultrasounds, and X-rays.

Kimberly completed her medical degree from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in 2005. Dr. Kimberly Garcia is certified from the American Board of Radiology in diagnostic radiology, and is fellowship trained in body imaging and musculoskeletal radiology.


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The Elbow Series

4 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $72
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Through understanding of the anatomy, diagnostics and injuries of the elbow is very important with making a diagnosis. Although there are many injuries in the elbow, throwers elbow is most commonly be found in baseball pitchers and in any sport that requires a distinct throwing motion, including tennis, cricket and volleyball. The repeated movement necessary for the throwing motion creates incredible stress on the join that can lead to...