Judy Towne Jennings, PT, MA

Judy Towne Jennings, PT, MA

Judy Towne Jennings, PT, MA, is a physical therapist trained in geriatrics and pediatrics. She was an enthusiastic baby-development specialist until caring for her husband forced her to become an expert in caregiving for this strange disease, Lewy Body Dementia. Judy has been a voice for those who could not speak for themselves.

Judy has lectured extensively on the importance of early tummy time for infants. With the experience gained while caring for her husband, she will now become a voice for those with a deteriorating neurological disease. Judy is the author of "Living with Lewy Body Dementia, One Caregiver’s Personal, In-Depth Experience". Judy has extensive experience in orthopedic physical therapy. She trained and worked with Peter Towne, PT, FAPTA and Linda Towne PT. MEd for many years.


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Developmental and Sensory Motor Strategies in School Based Programs

4 Hours Instructional Level: Beginner
From $72
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This course will explain the explosion of children referred for special education programs with developmental delay, and/or severe sensory and behavior issues.

The course will teach developmental and sensory strategies with program ideas for Allied Health Professions (OT, PT, SLP) based on recent research and therapists experience in school-based programs. The intent of this course is to help therapists spring-board children to better academic readiness via an...