Edward A. Selby, PhD

Edward A. Selby, PhD is an associate professor and the director of clinical training in the clinical psychology PhD program at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Dr. Selby’s extensive research and clinical experience has sought to improve our understanding and treatment of suicidal behavior, personality disorders, and eating disorders. He has written more than 100 peer‐reviewed scientific articles and book chapters, and he was named a “Rising Star” by the Association for Psychological Science in 2015. Much of his work is aimed at understanding the emotional experiences related to suicidal behavior and self injury, as well as the factors among different psychiatric disorders that increase risk for suicidal behavior, including eating disorders and personality disorders. Dr. Selby’s research has been funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, Janssen Pharmaceutica, and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Dr. Selby is a licensed practitioner and has been trained extensively in major treatments for suicidal behavior and crisis intervention, including cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness‐based interventions. More information about Dr. Selby’s research program can be found on the Emotion and Psychopathology Laboratory at Rutgers website: www.edwardaselby.com.


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Suicide Awareness and Prevention for Kentucky Occupational Therapists

6 Hours
From $105
Full Course Description

Course release date: 6/2/2021

Course Overview

This course will cover the etiology and risk factors for suicidal behavior, outline important assessment, intervention and prevention programs, and inform effective mental health treatment to help individuals develop and maintain a healthy perspective on life. The course will review research and literature concerning the scope of the problem, identification of high-risk groups, evidence-based prevention, and programs for delivering care and mental health treatment.