Diana Solomon, Pharm.D., BCCCP

Diana Solomon, is a critical care clinical pharmacy specialist at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, New Jersey. She offers pharmacotherapy clinical services in the medical-surgical, coronary, trauma, and neuroscience intensive care units. Dr. Solomon earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As post-graduate training, she completed a pharmacy practice residency at Shore Medical Center in Somers Point, New Jersey, and then specialized in critical care at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in conjunction with Cooper University Hospital. Dr. Solomon’s research interests involve pharmacotherapy and pharmacokinetics in critical illness, nutrition support therapy, and education. Additionally, Dr. Solomon’s professional interests include interprofessional education, advanced cardiac life support, leadership development, wellness, and public health.


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An Overview of Dietary Supplements

2 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $37
Full Course Description

Course release date: 7/1/2024

Course Overview
Healthcare professionals routinely encounter patients using dietary supplements. Oftentimes patients ingest supplements without the consent or assessment of a healthcare professional. This course is designed to provide an overview of dietary supplements, their efficacy and safety profiles, and regulatory landscape to empower healthcare professional assessment of dietary supplements encountered in practice.    

This educational program is designed to provide an overview of the following: