Candyce J Yates, MS. OTR/L

Candyce J Yates, MS. OTR/L is an occupational therapist with 30 years in school-based practice. For 15 years, Judy and Candyce worked in the same district and teamed for many of their students.  Candyce published  a booklet to introduce gross motor activities for small space areas of the classroom: "Carpet Motor Time.  She has extensive training and experience with severe sensory issues and behaviors in school environments.


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Developmental and Sensory Motor Strategies in School Based Programs

4 Hours Instructional Level: Beginner
From $72
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Course Description:

This course will explain the explosion of children referred for special education programs with developmental delay, and/or severe sensory and behavior issues.

The course will teach developmental and sensory strategies with program ideas for Allied Health Professions (OT, PT, SLP) based on recent research and therapists experience in school-based programs. The intent of this course is to help therapists spring-board children to better academic readiness via an...