Amy Burzinski, L.I.S.W

Amy Burzinski, L.I.S.W

Amy Burzinski, L.I.S.W., is a licensed clinical social worker. Over the past 18 years Ms. Burzinski has worked with individuals and families affected by domestic violence. Ms. Burzinski served as the coordinator for Victim Services Agency in Manhattan where she trained physicians and medical staff on how to identify, document and refer victims of domestic violence.

She currently serves as a social worker at the Bellefaire Agency in Beachwood, Ohio.


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Bullying and Disruptive Behavior In The Workplace

2 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $37
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Course Description:

Work is a core part of our lives. We spend a considerable amount of time at work. Our life at work contributes to our feelings of identity and self-worth as well as our relationships both professional and personal. We have the potential to thrive at work when we experience and feel supported, respected and valued.

Disruptive behaviors may leave us feeling upset, anxious and doubting our abilities...