Accreditation Information:
Course Outline:
Hour 1
- Connective tissue function and composition
- The role of collagen Review of genetic inheritance of disorders
- Factors affecting genetic expression
- Progression from Villefranche nosology to our current classification system
Hour 2
- Review of the presentation of the classifications of EDS as they present in the clinic
- Genetic testing review for forms of EDS
- Review of the clinical diagnostic criteria for hEDS
- Review of the systemic presentation of EDS
Hour 3
- Orthopedic considerations, instability vs. laxity
- Skin considerations
- Neurological considerations
- Pain considerations Psychological considerations
Hour 4
- GI considerations Cardiovascular considerations Pregnancy considerations
- MCAS and Dysautonomia considerations
- Gathering the team
- Fatigue
- Orthopedic management
- Pain management
Hour 5
- Neuro management
- Dysautonomia
- Specifics of rehab: aquatic, dry needling, IASTM, thrust manipulations, visceral manipulations, compression garments
Hour 6
- Approaching hEDS in the clinic
- Activity and sports modifications
- Success in long term care
- Patient presentations