Accreditation Information:
Course Outline:
Course Outline
Hour 1
- Review attributes of a senior
- Explore U.S. census information pertaining to seniors and health
- Discuss impact of disease on aging
- Review healthy lifestyle components for prevention and successful aging
- Discuss activities of daily living (ADLs)
Hour 2
- Discuss impact of living environment and actual transitions while aging.
- Explore various living accommodations for bodily changes caused by aging.
- Recognize ways and means to improve aging experience within the home or community
- Discuss positive and negative aspects of senior housing choices
Hour 3
- Discuss impact of physical and mental changes on ADLs
- Explore impact of mental capacity on ability to make personal choices
- Discuss importance of safety, choice, and wellbeing
- Identify aspects of age-friendly living
- Explore impact of personal relationships, including grief and loss
Hour 4
- Discussion impact of spousal loss on a senior's wellbeing and social network
- Understand importance of social support
- Explore ways to stay engaged while aging
- Understand the impact of relationships in later years
- Discuss caregiving and impact of the caregiver's role
- Insight to the life of a caregiver