The Maine Occupational Therapy Association Needs Your Voice!

For Maine OT and OTAs, your state association needs you to lend your voice to support the push against new proposed Medicaid legislation. The Department of Health and Human Services proposals would severely impact your profession by eliminating occupational therapy as an optional service in the MaineCare program.

The Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs will be holding public hearings December 14th through December 16th. The MeOTA has begun a campaign to the halt the proposed changes from going into effect by sending first-hand accounts from OTs and OTAs to the public representatives who will be voting on the motion.

The MeOTA is looking for your success stories to support let those in power that these changes are not acceptable. The ones already submitted are being heard by the right people but, in this case, less is definitely not more! Submit your story to Marissa Kelley and let your representatives know how critical your services are!

"Thank you for providing the human stories of how these programs help people, MeOTA. It's so important that lawmakers get this message."
-Andrew O'Brien

"Thank you for educating the legislature on this issue, MeTOA (I'm assuming you emailed all the legislators). Please also send your email to the Governor if you have not yet done so.
I support your efforts"
-Rep. Bobbi Beavers

"Dear MeOTA, Thank you for your e-mail. I am opposed to this budget plan and will do all I can to see that it is not passed and changed so that it does not hurt the people who need the help."
-Rep. Edward J. Mazurek

This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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