March 2021: Trending Health News

Health News

Trending health news for March 2021

New SARS-CoV-2 Variants: How Can Vaccines be Adapted?

While data suggest that most COVID-19 vaccines might hold up reasonably well against B.1.1.7 (first identified in the United Kingdom), the B.1.351 variant (first identified in South Africa) is causing significant concern. When it comes to this variant, vaccine efficacy is lower, in some instances quite dramatically so. Read more...

COVID Patients Face Higher Risk for Stroke

A new study adds to mounting evidence that COVID patients have an added risk of stroke. Researchers analyzed data on more than 20,000 U.S. adults hospitalized with COVID-19 between January and November 2020. The analysis found that their risk of stroke was higher than for patients with other types of infections, including flu. Read more... Learn More: Changes in Stroke Management

How RNA Editing Affects the Immune System

Researchers offer new insight into how the immune system relates to cancer. A new article looks at how an enzyme called ADAR1 operates in pathways associated with cancer. Read more...

COVID-19 May Trigger Long-Term Thyroid Issues

Italian researchers have examined the thyroids of dozens of patients who've recovered from moderate-to-severe cases of COVID-19. The study found evidence that SARS-CoV-2 infection may trigger an inflammation of the gland in some patients. Read more...

Eating Processed Meat Could Increase Dementia Risk

Eating processed meat has been linked with an increased risk of developing dementia, say researchers exploring a potential link between consumption of meat and development of dementia. Read more... Learn More: Mealtime Strategies for Patients with Dementia

Pandemic Has Many Kids Struggling with Weight Issues

Kids and teens are already struggling to learn outside the classroom during the pandemic, but lockdowns and quarantines are also making it hard for them to control their weight, child health experts say. Read more...

Health Declining in Gen X and Gen Y

Recent generations show a worrying decline in health compared to their parents and grandparents when they were the same age, a new national study reveals. Researchers found that, compared to previous generations, members of Generation X and Generation Y showed poorer physical health, higher levels of unhealthy behaviors such as alcohol use and smoking, and more depression and anxiety. Read more...

Looking for COVID-19 resources?

This article was written by Anne Osborn, PT

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