Job Satisfaction in Healthcare

Job Satisfaction in Healthcare

Job satisfaction in healthcare organizations is lower when one of these five issues arise.

The efficiency and productivity of employees are greater when they feel purpose in their work and truly enjoy what they do. While job satisfaction differs from industry to industry, job satisfaction in healthcare professionals can be negatively impacted by five factors.

5 Obstacles that Lower Job Satisfaction in Healthcare Workers

A few major problems seen in healthcare organizations are:

1. Lack of Resources You may have witnessed this in one or more ways. It is an ongoing challenge to have enough equipment or technology available when it is most needed. This puts stress on healthcare professionals to meet their daily demands.

2. Lack of Training Unfortunately, many healthcare professionals are not properly trained for their job. In a profession where an employee directly deals with someone’s life, proper training is of upmost importance.

3. Lack of Labor This is extremely common. Finding and having enough help to perform essential duties can be rare in certain practice areas. In particular, skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities typically have the highest rates of staff shortages and turnover among healthcare organizations.

4. Not Enough Hours in the Day Have you ever felt like you are constantly being rushed to see all your patients before your shift is over? Being overwhelmed with work can be closely related to a lack of resources or staff shortages. It can also be due to poor operating standards.

5. Constant Changing Policies and Insurance Requirements Practitioners are constantly impacted by changing federal and state policies as well as CMS and other insurance requirements. The best way to overcome this obstacle is to be well prepared in advance of the changes. (Learn more: How to Stay Informed on Upcoming CMS Changes)

How to Get Healthcare Employees Motivated for Excellent Work

While there are several obstacles that lower job satisfaction in healthcare professionals, there are also factors that influence job satisfaction positively. The key to effective work performance is in understanding what domains of work are important among healthcare employees. According to research, high job satisfaction has five facets:

1. The Type of Work Healthcare professionals are generally proud of the type of work they do. They are able to help people when they need it the most i.e. provide a helping hand to get out of bed for the first time after surgery (PTs), assist with feeding or dressing (OTs), help to taste food or communicate with loved ones (SLP), and take pain away quickly (nurses), etc.

2. Quality of Supervision When management or HR personnel provide avenues for technical help and social support, employees feel less stress and have more confidence.

3. Relationships with Co-workers A positive environment is one where employees work in a relaxed and productive atmosphere with social harmony and a commitment to excellence. Communication is open and honest, and compassion and respect are frequently demonstrated. A little humor and flexibility can also provide incentive during challenging times.

4. Promotion Opportunities Chances for career advancement decrease staff shortages and turnover as organizations are able to keep their skilled workers.

5. Pay Adequate compensation leads to increased productivity and better employee morale. By creating an environment that promotes job satisfaction in healthcare professionals, a manager can develop employees who are motivated, productive, and fulfilled. This, in turn, will contribute to higher quality patient care and patient satisfaction. To the healthcare workers who go above and beyond your job to take care of your patients and save their lives, a big “Thank You” for all that you do!

References: <1> Ind Psychiatry J. 2012 Jan-Jun; 21(1): 75–78.

This article was written by Bijal Shah, Clinical Educator

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