Brand Yourself: The key to improved sales

If you're a veteran presenter of continuing education, you know that no matter how much hard work goes into conceiving and creating your content, the finished product cannot get maximum exposure without proper marketing. This is where effective personal branding can make all the difference in the world. As Tom Peters author of In Search Of Excellence, explains "We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You". Here are a few easy and effective things that you can do to increase awareness of who you are and what your product can offer.

Be Social Media Savvy

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are fast and free ways to engage with potential clients and partners and more. If you have a personal practice, consider adding Yelp into the mix.


  • Create a sharp looking business/brand page
  • Share relevant content
  • Connect with other 'brands'
  • Encourage client engagement
  • Gather valuable feedback

Pictures & Contests


  • Mobile friendly
  • Connect with clients and peers
  • Discuss hot button issues
  • Monitor discussions for future content
  • Spread important news

#use #hashtags #sparingly!


  • Complete your profile
  • Share your accomplishments
  • Connect with peers
  • Join relevant groups
  • Engage in discussions

Be active daily

Blog Frequently

If you'’'ve written a course, you can probably write a blog. Blogging is a great way to show how well you know your subject matter and, almost as importantly, how you can help others with that knowledge.
  • Be brief! Blog entries should be around the 500-700 word mark
  • Use images when you can, they break up the dreaded Wall of Text. Bullet lists work well for this, too.
  • How To, Top 10 and Tips n Tricks blogs are very popular with readers
  • Link to previous entries, course listings and references within the text of your blog (1 link per 100 words)
Don't have your own blog? Why not write for us? Guest blogging is an easy way to publish your words without having to set up your own. Don't write? We do! If you don't know where to start, contact for help.

Carve Out A Space On The Web

Your website is your storefront on the Internet. It's where you can stock the shelves with the products you've worked so hard to create: Your content.
  • Keep it clean, uncluttered and use lots of white space
  • Information should be easy to find
  • Make a fully detailed About Me page. Post all of your credentials and awards. Don't be afraid to brag! It's a proven fact that this page has the highest views for most sites.
  • Link to any site that features your courses, your credentials or your articles and, if you've presented with us, your author page on the website (If you need help locating this page, contact us)

Questions? We're here to help! Email us at or call 1.800.554.2387.

This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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