Tsu-Hsin Howe, Ph.D, OTR, FAOTA

Tsu-Hsin Howe, Ph.D, OTR, FAOTA

Tsu-Hsin Howe is Associate Professor and director of post-professional programs in the Department of Occupational Therapy. Her primary research interest focuses on examining motor behaviors in children who are at high-risk for developmental delay with a special interest in feeding related issues.

Dr. Howe teaches classes on pediatric and research topics at both the master's and doctoral levels. Her clinical expertise offers students a unique perspective in an area of occupational therapy that is critical to the field. Her courses include Theoretical Bases for the Scope of Practice, Theoretical Foundations for Intervention, Developing a guideline for Intervention and Departmental Seminar. She also gives guest lectures on topics related to her specialty.

Dr. Howe has practiced in both community and hospital-based settings for over 20 years, the past 15 of which as a pediatric clinical specialist in Mount Sinai Medical Center of New York City. She has treated infants and children with prematurity, developmental disabilities, congenital heart diseases, neurological deficits, gastrointestinal disorders, and learning disabilities. Her specialty expertise includes neonatal occupational therapy and feeding management. Dr. Howe is trained in neuro-developmental treatment in pediatrics and is certified to administer the Neonatal Oral Motor Assessment Scale.


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Pediatric Occupational Therapy Module 1: Theory, Practice & Frames of Reference

10 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $169
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This fourth edition continues to focus on the importance of occupation, and all of the frames of reference have been revised to include examples that relate to the importance of occupation and active involvement in a meaningful life. This edition includes three new frames of references, including the STAR frame of reference for working with children with sensory processing disorders, a frame of reference for working with children with anxiety and depression,...