Susan Mitchell, MS, OTR/L, CHT

Susan Mitchell, MS, OTR/L, CHT

Susan Mitchell, MS, OTR/L, CHT has been practicing occupational therapy for over 20 years and a hand therapist for the majority of those years. Having obtained her BS in Occupational Therapy in 1987 from the University of New Hampshire, Susan then moved on to earn her Masters of Science in Health Care Administration in 1995 at the California State University. She offered her therapy skills at the Hand Rehabilitation Clinic in Beverley Hills for a decade before joining the team at Baton Rouge Orthopedic Clinic as Staff Occupational Therapist in 2009 where she still currently works.

Susan has served as a board member on th Hand Therapy Society of Greater Los Angeles as well as on the board of directors for the Occupational Therapy Association of California.


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Static Splinting (Orthotic Fabrication) with Confidence

4 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $72
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Course Description:

Custom static splinting (also known as orthotics) occurs for a variety of orthopaedic and neurological conditions. Yet, the training provided for orthotic fabrication at universities is rarely adequate. This course prepares the clinician to fabricate well-designed, well-fitting orthotics to meet appropriate objectives. The principles of splinting, selection of materials, and diagnoses for which to fabricate the demonstrated orthotics are discussed. Design of splint patterns and fabrication of 7 orthoses...