Pamela Corey, MSN, EdD, RN, CHSE

Pamela Corey, MSN, EdD, RN, CHSE, has been a registered nurse since 1984. She practiced as a pediatric and neonatal staff nurse before obtaining her MSN from Walden University in 2008, specializing in simulation in nursing education. She obtained her doctorate from Walden University in 2016. The subject of her EdD dissertation was the effectiveness of simulation-based team training for adult and pediatric code teams. Dr. Corey teaches simulation-based programs focusing on nursing and teams’ responses to emergent situations utilizing crisis resource management concepts. She has presented poster presentations and workshops on CRM in healthcare. Dr. Corey has written a chapter on crisis resource management in the recently published book “OK to proceed: What every healthcare provider should know about patient safety” (Lewis, Canelli, & Ortega, 2018).

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