Odessa Addison

Odessa Addison, DPT, PhD, is a physical therapist with many years of experience working with older adults. Dr. Addison received her DPT in 2005 and a doctorate in rehabilitation science in 2012, both from the University of Utah, where her focus of study was neuromuscular adaptations in the older adult. Her dissertation focused on how physical activity influenced inflammation, fat in the muscle, and mobility in older adults. Dr. Addison has presented at the American Diabetes Association, the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section, the Gerontological Society of America, and the International Conference for Sarcopenia and Frailty Research. Dr. Addison has written on a broad range of topics concerning exercise and older adults. Her writings have been published in the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy; Physical Therapy; the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy; and the Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging. She is currently a research associate at the University of Maryland Baltimore, School of Medicine in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science.


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Exercise Prescription Management of the Older Adult: An Evidence-Based Approach, 2nd Edition

5 Hours Instructional Level: Beginner
From $89
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America is aging. By the year 2030, more than 19% of the U.S. population is expected to be over the age of 65, and the number of older Americans is expected to double to more than 70 million over the next 20 years (Vincent & Velkoff, 2010). More than 60% of older adults are considered to be inactive, making older adults the least physically active of any age group...