Michelle Lyman, MD, MPH

Michelle Lyman, MD, MPH is a Family Medicine resident working at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. She graduated from the University of South Florida College of Medicine in 2019 with a dual degree in medicine and a Master of Public Health specializing in epidemiology. Michelle also earned a graduate certificate through the Scholarly Excellence Leadership Experience and Collaborative Training (SELECT) program. During medical school, Michelle worked with the Physicians Against Trafficking of Humans (PATH) through the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA), as well as HEAL Trafficking, to promote improve medical education on trafficking. She presented her work on simulation-based curriculum at several national conferences and has designed several inaugural training programs at her medical school that continue to this day. Michelle’s current training goals are to learn broad spectrum care to better serve vulnerable populations and foster community health.


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Human Trafficking in Florida

2 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $37
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Course Description:

Health care personnel are on the front lines of the fight against human trafficking. Nurses, physicians, physician assistants, and all health care personnel must be alert to the often-overlooked signs of trafficking in their patients. This course is designed to provide a sensitive overview of the issue of abuse in human trafficking and how it affects patients and their families. It also meets the requirements of the Florida State...