Matt Hansen, PT

Matt Hansen, PT

Matt Hansen is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, specializing in Neurological Rehab and Chronic Health Conditions. In addition to his responsibilities as a Director of Rehab for an interstate Home Health Agency, Matt in involved in a number of other activities, including:

  • President of SOMA Health, LLC, creators of the Freedom2Move Home Exercise Program and Video Series (
  • Assistant Director for Doué Art, an organization for “Adaptive Artists” (i.e. artists with special needs or who live with a chronic health condition)
  • Work as a private Best Practice Consultant
  • Professional speaking, training and writing engagements for different health and medical audiences
  • Service as the Utah Association for Home Care’s President Elect

 Matt is a skilled Communicator and Charismatic Presenter/Motivational Speaker. It has been said that, “He has an ability to bring interest to topics as mundane as ‘Documentation Best Practices’ while keeping the audience engaged.” He is fluent in Spanish (Speaking, Reading and Writing) and enjoys working with the Latino community


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Maintenance Therapy: What, When, Why and How

1 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $16
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Course Description:

Many Therapists are unaware of the valuable service known as ‘Maintenance Therapy’ which is available for some patients with chronic conditions who meet certain criteria. Other Therapists have begun over-utilizing and/or inappropriately using the resource following the 2013 Jimmo v. Sebelius legal settlement. 

The presentation will begin by defining Maintenance Therapy and clarifying what the Jimmo v. Sebelius case does and does not mean. Participants will then...