Mary Curry Narayan

Mary Curry Narayan, MSN, RN, HHCNS-BC, COS-C, CTN-A, is a clinical nurse specialist in home health nursing and is certified as a specialist in the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) and in transcultural nursing. Mary currently provides consultation education and quality services to home health agencies. She serves on the Editorial Board of Home Healthcare Now and has published multiple articles and book chapters on enhancing home health nursing practice. She served on the American Nurses Association’s 2014 Task Force for Home Health Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice and as the clinical editor of the Visiting Nurse Associations of America’s Clinical Procedure Manual.


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Home Health Therapy: Using OASIS, Updated

3 Hours
From $49
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Therapists currently working in or planning to work in home health agencies must have an understanding of the significance of process and outcomes measurement. The Outcome and ASsessment Information Set (OASIS) is a specific assessment and outcomes measurement instrument that consists of 90 items or questions and measures patient data at various times during the patient’s stay in home care. Mandated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,...