Margaret Hughes, MSN, RN, CPNP

Margaret is a pediatric nurse practitioner who graduated from the Yale School of Nursing in 2016 with a concentration in global health. Her interest in health care started at a young age when she had several opportunities to shadow doctors in France and Belgium. She currently works in student health at a large university in Boston. Before that, she worked at community-based and school-based health centers providing primary care to high-risk, medically underserved populations. She also has experience as a nurse and worked in a private pediatric clinic in Connecticut and at an overnight summer camp in New York.


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Pennsylvania Mandatory Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting (Renewal Licensure)

2 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $33
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Course Description:

Child abuse and neglect remains a significant problem in the U.S. Approximately 3.5 million children in the U.S. were the subjects of at least one child abuse or neglect report (United States Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] 2019).  In the state of Pennsylvania alone, there were 46,208 reports of suspected child and student abuse in 2017 (HHS, 2019). This course fulfills...