Leyna Antonucci, PT DPT

Dr. Leyna Antonucci, PT DPT is a healthcare professional based in New York City. In addition to her role as a PT planner for the Colibri Group, Dr. Antonucci is a clinician working with infants needing cranial orthoses. She also practices as an early intervention therapist and evaluator. Dr. Antonucci has extensive experience working in pediatric and neonatal populations in various settings, including acute care, home health, and outpatient. Additionally, she has been part of various research projects throughout her professional life. She has dedicated her career to treating and educating the pediatric population and their families. Dr. Antonucci earned her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Rutgers University of New Jersey.


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Components of Ethics for Physical Therapy Professionals

3 Hours Instructional Level: Beginner
From $55
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Course release date: 10/7/2024

Course Overview

Ethical behavior is a fundamental component of all healthcare professions, regardless of where or how they practice. The purpose of this course is to provide healthcare professionals a broad overview on the study of ethical behavior and action as it is applied to practice, education, and research. The course will define terms used in discussing ethics, describe general principles and values of ethics...