Laura Palombi, PharmD, MPH, MAT

Laura Palombi, PharmD, MPH, MAT, is an associate professor at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy in Duluth. Her teaching, public health practice, and research focus on community engagement to address public health problems. Dr. Palombi has presented and published on the healthcare response to human trafficking for several years. Dr. Palombi would like to acknowledge and thank Anders E. Rasmussen (PharmD candidate), a fourth-year pharmacy student from the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy–Duluth campus, for their assistance on this update.


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Recognizing and Responding to Human Trafficking in Texas, 2nd Edition

1 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $19
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This course focuses on an overview of human trafficking; how human trafficking occurs; ways to identify those who may be trafficked, including the health and mental health impact; response and safety protocols; and victim resources. It meets the one-hour Texas requirement for healthcare professionals.