John Vinacci

A graduate of Tucson, Arizona’s acclaimed Desert Institute of the Healing Arts, John has been practicing massage since 1999 using a variety of clinical techniques. Now, having been in the field for two decades, John has a strong desire to help train the next generation of massage therapists.​ He is a fitness enthusiast, an obstacle course racer, adventure hiker, musician, and freelance writer who loves animals. He also holds a Bachelor of Science in Philosophy from Portland State University.​ 


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Facilitated Stretching

1 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $19
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Course Description:

Facilitated Stretching, or Active-Assisted stretching can be utilized to treat tight, shortened muscles more effectively and in less time than traditional passive stretching. This course defines and demonstrates Facilitated Stretching to restore elasticity and pliability to tight, shortened muscles. The physiology/mechanisms of tight, shortened muscles is explained. Hands-on demonstrations are provided for large muscles such as Sternocleidomastoid, Pectoralis Major and Minor, Quadratus Lumborum, Hamstrings, and Quadriceps. Self-care techniques for...