Heather Schuyler MA, ATC/L, LMT
Heather, a licensed and certified athletic trainer received her bachelor's degree in Athletic Training from Eastern Michigan in 2002, her master's degree in Exercise Science in 2005 and has spent the last 3 years working towards her educational doctorate focusing on concussion management. Her anticipated graduation date from the University of St. Augustine is Fall 2017. She has attended national presentations on concussion and consults with a concussion management specialist out of the DC area. Heather has assisted the same specialist in presenting current concepts in concussion evaluation and management to include the return to learn process. Her dissertation is titled Pre-post comparison of college instructors attitudes and beliefs of concussion. Heather has worked at her current institution to develop a return to learn process that not only fulfills the NCAA policy, but extends to all students on campus. She also remains on this committee as they continue to review the protocol that includes the process and educates the faculty, staff, and administration on the process that exists.