Elizabeth D. Dwyer, OTD, OTR/L, CLA, FNAP, FAOTA

Elizabeth D. Dwyer, OTD, OTR/L, CLA, FNAP, FAOTA is a clinical associate professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She earned degrees from Duquesne University and Chatham University and completed the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Academic Leadership Institute, earning the credential of academic leader. She is a distinguished fellow both in the National Academies of Practice for Occupational Therapy and in the American Occupational Therapy Association. 


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Understanding and Determining Adaptive Equipment (AE) and Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Needs for Patients

1 Hours Instructional Level: Beginner
From $19
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Course Description:

Healthcare practitioners play an important role in determining equipment needs for their clients based upon their impairments and occupational performance goals. This course will provide an overview of adaptive equipment and durable medical equipment, including differentiating terminology, indications for use, and the basics of funding and reimbursement mechanisms.