Carol Meyers, OTR, MA

Carol Myers, OTR, MA, received a of Psychology (BA) from the University of California-Berkeley, a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Occupational Therapy from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA, and a Master of Arts (MA) in Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix in Westminster, CO. Carol has been an occupational therapist for over 38 years with experience in skilled nursing facilities, acute care, home health, behavioral health, pediatrics, and adult in-patient and out-patient rehabilitation. Carol has published many professional articles for ADVANCE and Elite Learning, edited several continuing education courses, and developed a continuing education course for Elite Learning. Carol taught in the first occupational therapy program in Vietnam and consulted in two special needs classes in India and an autism center in Nepal in 2019.


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Human Trafficking: An Overview for Healthcare Professionals, 2nd Edition

4 Hours Instructional Level: Beginner
From $72
Full Course Description

Human trafficking is a global public health and human rights issue involving the exploitation of millions of people. Despite a high frequency of contact with trafficked individuals, there is a documented lack of education available to healthcare providers on the signs of human trafficking as well as a lack of protocols on how to care for trafficked individuals. This basic, introductory  level course for healthcare professionals is an introduction into the complex crime...