CE Requirements By State
Course Approvals
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1-Year Access
The Use of Physical Agents in Treating Neurological Disorders: An Evidenced Based Approach
Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapy: Introduction
Functional Gains in Stroke Recovery Using Therapeutic Exercise, 2nd Edition
Effective Evaluation and Treatment of Common Orthopedic Upper Extremity Diagnoses
Management of Sports-Related Concussions: Staying Ahead of the Game, 2nd Edition
Computer Ergonomics for the Therapy Professional
Foundational Skills for Autistic Learners
The Evaluation and Treatment of Upper Limb Ataxia
Exercise Prescription and Rehabilitation Considerations for Older Adults
Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies for Aspiration Pneumonia in Dysphagia Patients
Occupational Therapy’s Role in School-Based Positive Mental Health Initiatives
Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Facilitated Stretching: Foundations of PNF & MET to Promote Flexibility Fast
Aging Process: What is Happening to the Body and What Does it Mean?
Practical Approaches with Dementia: Preventing Catastrophic Reactions
The New Geriactive Patient: FUNctional Rehab for Balance and Fall Prevention Training
Autism and Posture: Posture-Care and Rehab-Yoga
Understanding the Effects of Common Medications for Children
Effective and Efficient Documentation in Home Health Care
Rehab Guidelines for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Stretch Your Clients!
Dentition and Diet
Beyond Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): Comprehensive Vestibular Rehab
Evidenced Based Principles and Applications of Stretching and Self-Myofascial Release
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