Static Stretching vs. Dynamic Stretching

Static Stretching vs. Dynamic Stretching

Static stretching is a best-method approach to increase the overall flexibility of the musculoskeletal system.

Types of stretching - There are three main types of self-stretching:

  • Static (no movement)
  • Dynamic (movement)
  • Ballistic (bouncing)

They are all active modes of stretching, including static stretching. Even if noticeable movement is not present, the muscle is still active. More than likely, the athletic trainer is applying resistance to the muscle in the stretched position.

In physics, a static system is defined as a system that does not change. In exercise and muscle mechanics, the use of the terms static and dynamic are used to describe whether an object is still (static) or on the move (dynamic).

Think of a static stretch system as a system that is active but does not change positions.

When to use static stretching

Because static stretching causes noticeable changes in muscle elasticity, it affects muscle performance. Therefore, this type of stretching is normally recommended after exercise. Static stretching impacts muscle elasticity and can directly influence muscle strength and power output. Athletic trainers should carefully consider when static stretching is used.

In terms of flexibility programming, muscles are most pliable when they are warm. Flexibility training, especially static stretching, should be done after exercise or, at a minimum, after a light to moderate-intensity warm-up.

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Time of day matters

On average, body temperature peaks at 4 to 6 p.m. This means that muscles are their most pliable around that time. The recommended best time of day to stretch to improve overall muscle elasticity and joint range of motion is between 4 and 6 pm daily.

Before training and competition

The debate over the value of stretching prior to competition versus the damage to performance it might cause is ongoing. Many researchers believe that static stretching has an adverse effect on muscle performance

However, the impact on performance depends upon which performance variable is being measured. Is it a test of muscle endurance, strength, and/or power? The specifics of the stretch, like the duration and the time between stretching and the athlete’s performance, also matter.

Athletic trainers have debated the mechanisms associated with decreased performance outcomes for over 25 years. These include both neural (decreased voluntary activation and motoneuron excitability) and morphological (force-length and elasticity changes in the muscle itself) explanations.

In a recent study on the effects of static stretching on performance, the results showed that it reduced muscle endurance performance. However, muscle rate of force production and range of motion were improved.

However, some athletes still prefer static stretching prior to training and competition for performance-related motivation or strictly personal enjoyment reasons. To mitigate the impact of static stretching on performance, historical data tells us that the duration of the held static stretch should not exceed 30 seconds.

If a static stretch is used before competition or training, provide at least five minutes of rest between stretching and training or competition. The objective is to allow muscles to recover contractility properties lost during static stretching before an exercise session or competitive event.

Sample program

The table below shows a sample flexibility program for static stretching to maintain desired muscle performance outcomes.

Type of Stretching


Duration of Stretch Before Training

Rest Between Stretching and Training

Duration of Stretch After Training



Less than 30 seconds

5 minutes

30 seconds or more



Less than 30 seconds

5 minutes

30 seconds or more



Less than 30 seconds

5 minutes

30 seconds or more



Less than 30 seconds

5 minutes

30 seconds or more



Less than 30 seconds

5 minutes

30 seconds or more



Less than 30 seconds

5 minutes

30 seconds or more



Less than 30 seconds

5 minutes

30 seconds or more


Timing and duration recommendations

Static stretching is a best-method approach to increase the overall flexibility of the musculoskeletal system. Where muscle performance is a factor, keep these programming best practices in mind:

  • Before training, keep static stretches to less than 30 seconds each.
  • If static stretching is used before training or events, provide at least five minutes of dynamic activity between stretching and performance.
  • Do static stretches in which each stretch is held for more than 30 seconds after a sport event or training.
  • Hold stretches up to 60 seconds to improve functional range of motion.


This article was written by Amy Ashmore, PhD.

This article was written by Amy Ashmore, PhD

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