Special Event in Recognition of Brain Injury Awareness Month


2.4 million people, including 475,000 children, sustain a TBI in the U.S. each year and 5.3 million individuals live with life-long disability as a result of TBI.

1.365 million people will be treated and released from an emergency department. 275,000 people will be hospitalized. 52,000 people will die. Just as no two people are exactly the same, no two brain injuries are exactly the same. For some people, a brain injury is the beginning of a lifelong struggle. Rehabilitation from qualified professionals can make the difference between years of debilitating issues or a normal, healthy, active life. It is to this end that the Brain Injury Association of America marks every March as the month to bring awareness to how deeply brain injuries can and do affect millions of Americans every year. HomeCEUConnection.com is honoring the month-long awareness with a special rehabilitation continuing education event. Please join us on Tuesday, March 11th at 7pmET for a live webinar, "Behavior Management in Adolescents/Adults with Challenging Behaviors after Acquired Brain Injuries". One of the most difficult clinical situations experienced by members of neuro-rehabilitation teams is the management of rehab services for adolescents/adults with challenging behaviors. While many clinicians are skilled within their discipline-specific treatment regimens, many lack the knowledge and skill to manage challenging behaviors in a manner that maximizes the patient's participation in treatment sessions at a therapeutically beneficial level. In this presentation, specific techniques for managing the following behavior characteristics will be discussed:
  • Patients with lability and/or flat affect
  • Patients with verbally and/or physically hypersexual behavior
  • Patients who are restless, physically agitated (not aggressive)
  • Patients who are verbally aggressive, agitated.
In addition to discussion of specific behavior management techniques, important aspects of the team approach to behavior management will be reviewed. Finally, suggestions for ensuring the mental health of clinicians and treatment teams caring for patients with challenging behaviors will be presented. Other courses to increase your skills when working with patients who have suffered from a brain injury include "Neurological Interventions for Physical Therapy Module 3: Adults-PNF,CVA,TBI,SCI", "Neurological Rehabilitation: Motor Control Motor Learning and Recovery", "The ABC's of Home Modification for Patients with Physical and Neurological Disabilities", and "Treatment of NeuroCognitive Disorders in Adolescents/Adults".
This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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