7 Digital Tools You Should Be Using To Market Your Practice | HomeCEU

We all know that the world wide web has become the fastest and most far-reaching way to connect with people. But did you know that you can harness the power of the internet to market your therapy practice for only pennies a day? Here are seven digital tools you can use that will fit into any budget:  

Cost: Free Benefits:

  • Create a sharp looking business/brand page
  • Share relevant content
  • Connect with other 'brands'
  • Encourage client engagement
  • Gather valuable feedback

Pictures & Contests.
These promote the most engagement with your audience.

Cost: Free Benefits:

  • Mobile friendly
  • Connect with clients and peers
  • Discuss hot button issues
  • Monitor discussions for future content
  • Spread important news

#use #hashtags #sparingly!Too many and your message is lost.  

Cost: Free Benefits:

  • Promote your business
  • Share your accomplishments
  • Connect with peers
  • Join relevant groups
  • Engage in discussions

Be active daily.

Whether it’s starting a discussion, sharing an article or commenting on others posts, something is always better than nothing.

Cost: Free Benefits:

  • Local
  • Direct Feedback From Your Customer
  • Every Star in a Review Can Lead to an Increase in Revenues
  • Customer Service Has Strong Effect on Reviews
  • Favors Independent Businesses Over Chains
Respond to all comments! This is true especially of negative reviews, replying with a genuine offer to remedy the situation can build a positive image.  Cost: Free Benefits:
  • Easy to use
  • Great reference tool
  • Conversion rates for Pinterest traffic are 50% higher than other traffic
  • 80% of total Pinterest pins are repins
  • Re-purpose materials from your blog for double exposure

Pin eye-catching images and videos. Infographics are very popular. 
Cost: Free Benefits:

  • Easy to use
  • Thousands of free templates available
  • Share your knowledge current, potential clients and fellow therapists
  • Compose articles to benefit your patients
  • Re-post across your other social media outlets (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)
"How To", "Top 10" and "Tips 'n' Tricks" blogs are very popular with readers .Use images when you can, they break up the dreaded "Wall of Text".  
Cost: Free-$100/month Benefits:
  • Target a specific group of people
  • Stay engaged with past clients
  • Offer return specials
  • Promote new staff, offices or treatments
  • Easy to forward to potential clients
Don’t spam! Emails should be visual, clean with lots of white space and limited to once per week at most. Test effective subject lines for maximum open rates. With over 78% of the American population surfing the world wide web on a regular basis, you need an online presence. These seven tools can work to increase your exposure to new clients for only pennies a day.
This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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