New Jersey Physical Therapy Live Interactive CEs: Sept. 20th to 26th

Even though your continuing education deadline for New Jersey feels like it's forever away, why wait until you're panicky and stressed? has already started broadcasting live online webinars to help you meet your New Jersey Physical Therapy CEU needs well in advance of your deadline! No need to cram your hours in at the last minute, plan to take one or two webinars a month and, before you know it, you'll be done. Take a look at what's scheduled for this month:

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: An Overview of Signs, Symptoms, Assessment & Management

Presented by: Suzanne J. Greenwalt, PT, MS, GCS Contact Hours: 3
Sunday Sept. 20th 3 - 6pmET 

Corrective Exercise: Optimize the Nervous System for Complete Functional Restoration

Presented by: Arianne Missimer, PhD, DPT, RD, RKC, CSCS Contact Hours: 3
Tuesday Sept. 22nd 3 - 6pmET 

Introduction to Static Splinting

Presented by: Susan Mitchell, MS, OTR/L, CHT Contact Hours: 4
Sunday Sept. 27th 1 - 5pmET 

Geriatric Health and Quality of Life - Assessments and Indicators

Presented by: Joy Siegel, EdD Contact Hours: 3
Saturday Sept. 26th 11am - 2pmET 
  • New Jersey Physical Therapy professionals need 30 hours, due January 31st of even years.
  • Approval Status: Select courses are approved for this state.
  • Home Study/Online Limitations: 10 hours distance learning. Webinars are not subject to this limit.
  • Misc: 4 hrs Jurisprudence & Ethics required; Live webinar courses are considered contact courses.
  • Board Website: New Jersey State Board of PT Examiners

*Information provided about continuing education requirements is accurate to the best of our knowledge. If you have concerns or questions, contact your board directly.

This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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