May is National Stroke Awareness Month

May is National Stroke Awareness Month

May is National Stroke Awareness Month and this year the National Stroke Association is turning the spotlight on stroke warning signs and risk factors for stroke.

May is National Stroke Awareness month, and HomeCEU has teamed up with the National Stroke Association to support the cause. “Although there has been great progress in reducing stroke and improving recovery, now is not the time to stop raising awareness about stroke,” says Robyn Moore, CEO of the National Stroke Association. “Stroke remains the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. and a leading cause of adult disability so it’s important to raise awareness on everything from knowing stroke symptoms to the importance of calling 9-1-1.” As part of National Stroke Awareness Month, the National Stroke Association produced a video for its website——that explains what happens when someone is experiencing a stroke, calls 9-1-1 and what to expect at the hospital. “Our goal of this year’s video is to emphasize the importance of calling 9-1-1 and to give a clear picture of what happens once a stroke patient reaches the hospital,” says Anna Taylor, director of programs for the National Stroke Association. “Stroke can be frightening so we want to help ease people’s minds while emphasizing how urgent it is to get to a hospital.” The stroke awareness campaign also features a Step-It-Up-For-Stroke Challenge that includes a daily step challenge among teams and individuals, a commitment to healthier eating and a commitment to controlling medical risk factors such as high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation and sleep apnea. “Our challenge program offers the public a way to take a proactive interest in their health,” says Taylor. “Through participation in the challenge, you can record and track how you are doing over a three-month period.” The National Stroke Association also is asking people to take its Five Faces of Stroke Pledge. “We’re asking people to reach out to five people and talk about stroke prevention and risk factors for stroke,” says Taylor, adding that educational materials are available online to help pave the way.

The campaign also will include expanded resources on living wills, advanced directives, legal and financial planning information for stroke survivors and their families. Need more ideas on how to get involved in raising stroke awareness during the National Stroke Awareness Month? Check out the National Stroke Associations’ idea generator tool, which asks a few questions and then suggests a good fit to get involved. Other tools include colorful e-cards to help you raise awareness about stroke; and sample Facebook and Twitter posts to share with your social media channels Get Involved at

This article was written by National Stroke Association

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