Kansas PTs Are You Ready To Be Recognized?

Kansas PTs, time to show your fellow therapists just how smart you really are; submit your abstract before December 1st, 2012 for the opportunity to win the 2013 Scientific Inquiry Award. The Kansas Physical Therapy Association research committee will judge the poster and platform presentations to identify 2 winners of this award that will be acknowledged at the Spring Conference Business Meeting.

The award puts you in elite company with individuals such as Gabe Harter and Eileen Coughenour, who received the 2012 KPTA Scientific Inquiry Award for best platform presentation. Harter and Coughenour, conducting research in the Research in Exercise and Cardiovascular Health (REACH) laboratory at the University of Kansas, were recognized for their abstract, "Benefits of aerobic exercise on cardiovascular and physical function in sub-acute stroke."

Abstracts should be limited to 400 words or less, so make those 400 words count! Two copies of the abstract should be submitted electronically, one with identifying information and one without identifying information. Please submit your abstract to the research committee chair, Katie Siengsukon, PT, Ph.D. or call (913) 588-6913 with questions.

Good luck!

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This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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